Having a pet in your family can be fulfilling in many ways. However, there are also times that it can be scary. There are tiny creatures all around that may seem like they’re out to get your furry friend. These notorious critters are known as parasites. Here are some questions we’re often asked about these pests that infest pets. 

Should I take my pet to the vet if I suspect they may have parasites?

If you believe your pet has parasites, you should consult your veterinarian immediately. They’ll be able to diagnose your pet and get them on the path to recovery. The longer you wait, the worse an infection can become, depending on what kind of parasite has infected them. 

Is it possible to get parasites from my pet?

You can get parasites from your pet, but it’s rare. Be careful when handling your pet’s feces, and you should be fine. The most common ways for pets to spread worms to people is through fecal matter that is accidentally ingested or has direct contact with human skin. 

How can I tell if my pet has external parasites, such as fleas and ticks?

The best way to check a cat or dog for external parasites is by looking at their skin. If you’re seeing redness where you haven’t seen it before, especially if it looks raw, it’s a sign that something is there that doesn’t belong, like fleas or ticks. Fleas also leave droppings in pet fur, so that’s another important place to look. 

Can my pet get parasites from their food or water?

The most common ways for dogs to get worms are by drinking infected water, eating contaminated soil or grass and by licking fur or paws that have come in contact with infected feces. It’s important to ensure that your pets have clean water every day and to prevent your pet from eating things they shouldn’t be. 

Should I have my pet tested for parasites at his/her annual checkup?

Annual parasite tests should be part of a pet’s annual checkup. If your pet has gastrointestinal issues, they should be checked more frequently because the symptoms may not manifest the same way as they would in a previously healthy pet. 

Are there any long-term effects of parasitic infection?

In the short term of a parasitic infection, your pet may develop symptoms that greatly reduce their quality of life. However, once these symptoms go away, most pets fully recover. This is only not the case when an infection is allowed to spread or leads to other illnesses.

What is the best way to prevent my pet from getting parasites?

A monthly application of parasite prevention medication is the best way to keep your pet parasite-free. Revolt Topical provides cats and dogs with protection from several types of parasites. It’s made with the same active ingredient as the competition but costs less! Learn more by visiting our FAQ page


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