Halloween is arguably one of the most fun days of the year, so why should your pet miss out on all of the scary fun? If your pet is already stylish and loves dressing up in sweaters, coats, dresses, or t-shirts every day, you can kick it up a notch and give them a costume they’ll adore on October 31. Plus, finding a hilarious pet costume is one way to include them in group photos, and they can make someone’s day every time they see them.

UPS Costume

No matter if your pet hates or loves the person who brings all of those mystery packages to your home, dressing them up in their own UPS costume in genius. A little hat and shirt will pull the outfit together, but what really sells this costume is the small package that sits in front of your dog as they walk. These costumes come in a large range of sizes, and you could even convince your mailman to take a picture with them.


Is your pet regal and stately? Maybe they’re a large dog packed into a small dog’s body. Whatever it is, a lion costume is sure to bring out the fierce side of your pet. It’s a nice way to get a minimalist costume on your pet that they may actually tolerate for more than a few minutes, and it’s a fun way to dress up large pets that may have a problem getting into smaller costumes. You get bonus points if the mane matches your pet’s coloring.


Your dog can go and get a Puppaccino at Starbucks, so why can’t they celebrate it with this adorable latte costume? This costume does work best for smaller pets so that cats can get into the action too. It comes with a small jacket-style covering for their body, and they get a small hat that looks like a cover for their drink to pull the look together. It’s lightweight and fun.


It’s a fact that pets look even more adorable when you dress them up in a cute hotdog costume. This costume works particularly well if you have a Dachshund because they’re better known as wiener or sausage dogs. This costume usually Velcros around their chest and under their stomach to keep it in place while keeping their legs free. It also comes in several different sizes so that you can create a pack of hotdogs.


Many dinosaur pet costumes come lined with fleece, and this can help keep your pet warm and comfortable if the night gets chilly. You can easily turn your pet into a cute or scary dinosaur by donning this costume and letting them run around with you. If your kids like dinosaurs, dress them up to match. It’s a quick and easy way to get everyone in the spirit of Halloween while keeping everyone warm.

Banana Split

Are you ready to go bananas for this hilarious pet costume? Turn your pet into a tasty banana split for this Halloween season. As a bonus, the bright yellow coloring on the costume makes your dog much more visible when they’re out and about, and this also makes it easy to keep an eye on them. You can mix it up by doing a banana split and smaller bananas for your other pets to create a fantastic group shot.


You treat your pet like royalty, so why not have them embody it with a cute king, queen, prince, or princess costume this Halloween? The nice thing about this costume is that there are so many ways you can do it. Toss on a crown and a small cape, and you have a simple outfit, or you can go more elaborate if you have a patient pet that will allow you to dress them up.

Superman or Superwoman

Comic books are huge with the Marvel and DC universes, and you can take full advantage of this popularity by helping your pet dress up as their favorite superhero. These adorable costumes slip over your dog’s head and their front legs while leaving the rest of their body exposed, and this makes it easier to get on and off with minimal fuss. The whole family could dress up as various superheroes for fun group shots.


Maybe you don’t want to go all out because you’re not sure how well your pet will respond to their costume. If so, you can make a quick mummy costume by wrapping a few sheets of toilet paper around your pet. They also make mummy-specific costumes if you’d like to purchase one. It’s a fast and easy way to give your pet a classic costume, and the kids can help you make it.


Show the world how magical your pet is this Halloween by dressing them up as your very own unicorn. You can go all-out and buy a fleece-lined costume that will be warm for your dog if you’re afraid they’re going to be cold, or you could do something as simple as adding a small horn to their head. Some costumes come with adjustable straps to get a perfect fit.

Beanie Baby

Beanie Babies made a huge splash in the early 2000s, and you can bring them back with this simple costume. All you have to do is cut a heart out of construction paper, add the iconic ty symbol on it, and attach it right to your dog’s collar. They’re now ready to go out and be an adorable beanie baby.

Have a Safe Pet-o-Ween

These adorable and hilarious pet costumes are sure to spark your imagination and give your pet all of the attention they want this Halloween. You can play around with them, create fun group pet costumes, and find ways to involve the entire family if you go out. Keep a close eye on your pet and have fun celebrating this spooky season. To protect your furry friends during Halloween and beyond with flea medicine created to protect your best friend, or friends, stay in touch with us to learn more about Revolt for your pet.


Author petmaster

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